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Quotes from Mother Angelica

The woman is a gentle, loving bond who encourages, consoles, builds, reconciles, and makes all things new and vibrant. The woman is strength in time of suffering, courageous in failure, intuitive in time of danger. A woman is ingenuous when all fails, resourceful in times of want, and a true helpmate for man.
- Mother Angelica
Love fills and empties simultaneously. It makes us reach out to God, ready to be pruned, recklessly desiring whatever the cost. It soothes the aching heart and then makes it thirst for more.
- Mother Angelica
For thirty years, Jesus never allowed his divinity to manifest itself. He was infinitely superior to everyone but never showed it.
- Mother Angelica
Like Jesus, every human being has enough memories in his past to occupy his time and thoughts continually. It is not the remembrance of these incidents but the reliving of them that creates havoc in our souls.
- Mother Angelica
God has given each one of us a gift greater than a thousand I.B.M. machines. It is called a memory, and everything that passes through our five senses is stored in this faculty.
- Mother Angelica
Everything starts with one person... I don't care if you're 5 or 105, God from all eternity chose you to be where you are, at this time in history, to change the world.
- Mother Angelica
God keeps the entire Universe in order, and still finds time to take a personal interest in you and me.
- Mother Angelica
God has always worked wonders through his prophets to increase the faith of His chosen people or to correct their disobedience.
- Mother Angelica
Love has been defined, analyzed, explained and excused. It has been the cause of wars, feuds, heroism, martyrdom, inordinate passion, and beautiful friendships. It pulls two people of opposite temperaments together into a married state and permits them to live happily. It makes friends understand each other without the necessity of words.
- Mother Angelica
A family spirit is not always synonymous with family life. Bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh makes for brothers, sisters and relatives, who may be as distant as strangers in a foreign land.
- Mother Angelica
At Baptism, I received grace - that quality that makes me share in the very nature of God.
- Mother Angelica
Some people spend their time and thoughts in feeling, hearing, seeing, and listening. Whatever cannot be felt or experienced they will not accept. We call these people 'emotional.'
- Mother Angelica