Quotes from Watchman Nee
The first and foremost sign of new birth in anyone is that he knows God intuitively, for his spirit has been quickened.
- Watchman Nee
to offer one-tenth to God; but under the new covenant, ten-tenths are required.
- Watchman Nee
Any action which lacks in obedience is a fall, and any act of disobedience is rebellion.
- Watchman Nee
How many of us know that, because Christ is risen, we are therefore alive "unto God" and not unto ourselves? How many of us dare not use our time, or money, or talents as we would, because we realize they are the Lord's, not ours? How many of us have such a strong sense that we belong to Another that we dare not squander a shilling of our money, or an hour of our time, or any of our mental or physical powers?
- Watchman Nee
Unless the believer offers his soul life to death, he shall cultivate that life, incur the displeasure of God, and miss the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- Watchman Nee
We work because we have not seen the work of Christ.
- Watchman Nee
An affection which is not inspired by the Lord will soon be transformed into lust. Samson is not alone in the history of man in failing in this regard. Delilah is still cutting the hair of man today!
- Watchman Nee
God asks for men who are totally broken and who will follow Him even to death to work for Him.
- Watchman Nee
Every true work is not done to the poor. Every true work is done to Me.
- Watchman Nee
Never adopt an attitude of indifference, for if you do you will suffer for it. The weight will grow heavier and heavier.
- Watchman Nee
Most soulish believers assume an attitude of self-righteousness, though often it is scarcely detectable. They hold tenaciously to their minute opinions we ought to lay aside the small differences and pursue the common objective.
- Watchman Nee
Why do so many Christians pray such tiny prayers when their God is so big?
- Watchman Nee