Quotes from Watchman Nee
Let us not argue over our being labeled as either spiritual or carnal. If we are not governed by the Holy Spirit what profit will the mere designation of spiritual be to us? This is after all a matter of life, not of title.
- Watchman Nee
Learn to recognize God's sovereignty. Learn to rejoice in God's pleasure. This was Abraham's first lesson, namely that God, not himself, was the Source.
- Watchman Nee
touches still; the word which once comforted many a broken-hearted one yet speaks. His hand and His word not only comforted John but also gave strength (cf. Dan. 8.17,18; 10.9,10,18,19). Hand to give strength and word by which to feel comforted. When John realized that the Lord's love remained the same as before, fear naturally left him and strength and comfort became his portion instead.
- Watchman Nee
God is well able to deal with our sins; but He cannot deal with a man under accusation, because such a man is not trusting in the Blood.
- Watchman Nee
we make self the center of everything and take the Lord merely as a helper to us. Indeed, God wants to bless us; but He desires even more greatly for us to enter His kingdom and to be under His government.
- Watchman Nee
God in heaven will only bind and loose what His children
- Watchman Nee
We can never know either the hatefulness of sin or the treachery of our self-nature until there is that flash of God upon us. I speak not of a sensation but of an inward revelation of the Lord Himself through His Word. Such a breaking in of divine light does for us what doctrine alone can never do.
- Watchman Nee
since God's Word is living, he who listens and does not have a living response is he who has not actually heard the Word of God.
- Watchman Nee
The perfect and genuine faith is that which daily acknowledges the works (i.e., facts) that the Lord has accomplished. The meaning of claiming is to acknowledge daily all that the Lord has accomplished for us, that is, to acknowledge that all these accomplishments are effective in us. Then
- Watchman Nee
As we bring our will and thought to God His own will and thought begin to be reproduced in us, and then this becomes our will and thought. This kind of prayer is most valuable and full of weight. Let
- Watchman Nee
Do we think because we have prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal His mind and to work in us, that all shall accordingly be done? That assumption is not the truth; for unless we deliver to death specifically and daily our natural life, together with its power, wisdom, self, and sensation and unless we equally desire honestly in our mind and will to obey and rely upon the Holy Spirit, we shall not see Him actually performing the work.
- Watchman Nee
I think we all know how the three dark forces, the world, the flesh, and the devil, stand in opposition to the three divine persons. The flesh is ranged against the Holy Spirit as Paraclete, Satan himself against Christ Jesus as Lord, and the world against the Father as Creator.
- Watchman Nee