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Quotes from Jen Sincero

All worrying will do is make you live through the misery twice.
- Jen Sincero
When it comes to the creatures you love and the things you love and the life you love, what on earth could possibly be more important than soaking them up right now while you still have the opportunity?
- Jen Sincero
Our perception of reality is also greatly influenced by our words. Words bring our thoughts and beliefs to life and help anchor them into our "realities" through repetition.
- Jen Sincero
Believe, really believe, that what you desire is here and available to you. And you can have it all.
- Jen Sincero
Wenn wir darauf vertrauen, in einem Universum der Fülle zu leben — und deshalb großzügig geben —, erhöhen wir unsere Frequenz, stärken unseren Glauben und fühlen uns großartig.
- Jen Sincero
As James Allen says in As a Man Thinketh: Thought allied fearlessly with purpose becomes creative force.
- Jen Sincero
Mastering the mindset of wealth is choosing to think about money, and your reality in relation to money, in a way that will make you rich, not keep you poor.
- Jen Sincero
Bei Vergebung geht es darum, sich um sich selbst zu kümmern — und nicht etwa um denjenigen, dem man vergeben muss. Es geht darum, das Bedürfnis nach Wohlbefinden vor den Wunsch, recht zu haben, zu stellen. Es geht darum, Verantwortung für das eigene Leben zu übernehmen, statt vorzugeben, es liege in der Hand anderer. Es geht darum, die eigene Macht zu nutzen, indem man Wut, Ablehnung und Schmerz den Laufpass gibt.
- Jen Sincero
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, Byron Katie
- Jen Sincero
you do the energetic work, get your thoughts, actions, and words in line with what you desire to create, and surrender the rest of the details up to the Universe.
- Jen Sincero
Unsere Ängste sind die größte Zeitverschwendung.
- Jen Sincero
Because money is currency and currency is energy, when you shrink down and lower your prices to accommodate someone, you're basically saying the equivalent of "I don't think you could grow and manifest the money you desire to work with me. I don't believe you're that powerful. I also don't think I have the right to charge what I'm worth or to make the decisions around here about what to charge.
- Jen Sincero