Quotes from Jen Sincero
The people closest to you have the most to lose by losing you so they are the most resistant to you changing.
- Jen Sincero
Wenn Sie ein Leben führen wollen, wie Sie es noch nie geführt haben, müssen Sie Dinge tun, die Sie noch nie getan haben.
- Jen Sincero
writing out an actual check for the precise amount to pay it off and looking at it every day, all of these thoughts arrange the energy around you to vibrate at a higher frequency and to take the physical form of that which you're focused on: fifteen thousand dollars. These positive thoughts release your resistance to having the money come in—you're on board, you're believing it, you're feelin' it, you're lovin' it! Once
- Jen Sincero
compared to what I knew I was capable of, I was, shall we say, unimpressed. I
- Jen Sincero
All life is either moving forward and evolving or shrinking back and dying. If you want to evolve in your own life, you have to push through the obstacles instead of running from them.
- Jen Sincero
So if you finally decide to quit your soul-crushing job and start the pastry shop of your dreams, be not upset if a truck drives through your front window into your scones. Instead of taking this as a sign that you shouldn't have opened your shop, take it to mean that you're ridding yourself of your BS and moving in the right direction.
- Jen Sincero
The most important part of your environment to be conscious of is the people you surround yourself with.
- Jen Sincero
Meanwhile, the truth is, the only questions you ever need to consider when making decisions about your life are: 1. Is this something I want to be, do, or have? 2. Is this going to take me in the direction I want to go (not should go)? 3. Is this going to screw over* anybody else in the process?
- Jen Sincero
If you're around people who are making money in great and joyful ways, you'll not only see what's possible for you, but you'll be motivated to push yourself.
- Jen Sincero
Allow yourself to experience whatever your heart desires as if this is your one and only chance to take the ride of your life.
- Jen Sincero
Our conscious mind thinks it's in control, but it isn't. Our subconscious mind doesn't think about anything, but is in control.
- Jen Sincero
Everybody arrives on this planet with unique desires, gifts, and talents, and as you journey through life, your job is to discover what yours are, to nurture them and to bloom into the most authentic, gleeful, and badassiest version of yourself.
- Jen Sincero