Quotes from Jen Sincero
Faith is the muscle you use when you decide to blast outside of your comfort zone and transform your life into something that's practically unrecognizable to you in your present reality. Faith smothers your fear of the unknown. Faith allows you to take risks. Faith is the stuff of "leap and the net will appear." Faith is your best buddy when you're scared shitless. When
- Jen Sincero
The person you spend the most time with affects you the most. And the person you spend the most time with is . . . you. Hence, what you tell yourself on a regular basis is muy importante.
- Jen Sincero
Helen Keller: Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
- Jen Sincero
This is incredibly powerful, because when you love yourself enough to stand in your truth no matter what the cost, everyone benefits. You start attracting the kinds of things, people, and opportunities, that are in alignment with who you truly are, which is way more fun than hanging out with a bunch of irritating energy suckers.
- Jen Sincero
Decisions are not up for negotiation.
- Jen Sincero
1. Is this something I want to be, do, or have? 2. Is this going to take me in the direction I want to go (not should go)? 3. Is this going to screw over* anybody else in the process?
- Jen Sincero
The more you give, the more you receive. There ain't no frequency quite like the frequency of a giver.
- Jen Sincero
When it comes to money, who and what you surround yourself with has a huge effect on how you perceive it and feel about it. Your environment helps define what you consider to be expensive or cheap, a wise or stupid purchase, and how much you'll allow yourself to make. In fact, here's a sobering exercise:
- Jen Sincero
We live in an abundant Universe where all the money you desire is available to you. As soon as you decide, really truly decide, to get rich, you open yourself up to the means to make it happen.
- Jen Sincero
Changing your habits and your boundaries takes courage, audacity, and a whole lot of self-love.
- Jen Sincero
when you decide to upgrade your income and standard of living, it's important to put yourself in the new environment you're intent on creating for yourself as best you can: It not only jars you out of your old way of thinking, believing, and being, but it gives the new environment an opportunity to start having an effect on you and to start becoming your new idea of normal instead of As if! Me?
- Jen Sincero
- Jen Sincero