Quotes from Alice Walker
I can imagine in years to come that my papers and memorabilia, my journals and letters, will find themselves always in the company of people who care about many of the things I do.
- Alice Walker
I have a collective sense of suffering.
- Alice Walker
I'm for women choosing whatever they want to do but they have to really know what they are doing.
- Alice Walker
I am not convinced that men and women were ever meant to share the same house, though some people can do it beautifully.
- Alice Walker
Yes, Mother. I can see you are flawed. You have not hidden it. That is your greatest gift to me.
- Alice Walker
Our mothers and grandmothers ... moving to music not yet written.
- Alice Walker
Nature has created us with the capacity to know God, to experience God.
- Alice Walker
Always with me was the inner twin: my true nature, my true self. It is timeless, free, compassionate and in love with whatever is natural to me
- Alice Walker
The good news may be that Nature is phasing out the white man, but the bad news is that's who She thinks we all are.
- Alice Walker
As long as the Earth can make a spring every year I can. As long as the Earth can flower and produce nurturing fruit I can because I'm the Earth. I won't give up until the Earth gives up.
- Alice Walker
I believe God is everything, say Shug. Everything that is or ever was or ever will be. And when you can feel that, and be happy to feel that, you've found It.
- Alice Walker
The experience of God or in any case the possibility of experiencing God is innate.
- Alice Walker