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Quotes from TB Joshua

Begin to break limitation in your home, business, career and spiritual life, in Jesus' name!
- TB Joshua
Afflictions are meant for our spiritual benefit; we are sometimes tempted that we may learn to pray the more.
- TB Joshua
When everything seems to go wrong, with peace of heart, you can press on. With peace of heart, you can press on, whatever life brings.
- TB Joshua
Crises can never break the one who relies on God's strength.
- TB Joshua
God's Word refreshes our mind and God's Spirit renews our strength.
- TB Joshua
Your weakness can be turned to strength for God's glory.
- TB Joshua
You are because I am and I am because you are. We are one another's strength.
- TB Joshua
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, shall be healed, delivered and set free. Be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!
- TB Joshua
Jesus is all the world to me my life, my joy, my all. He is my strength from day to day Without Him, I would fall.
- TB Joshua
We are one another's strength.
- TB Joshua
Education is not success but it is to help us succeed.
- TB Joshua
The gospel needs to be preached all over the world. You cannot light a candle and put it under a roof.
- TB Joshua