Quotes from TB Joshua
For you to have any relationship with God, it must be through His Word by His Spirit.
- TB Joshua
If you have truly been born again, it was the Holy Spirit who convicted you of sin and drew you into a relationship with Jesus.
- TB Joshua
The purpose of life is to glorify God in both good and hard times alike.
- TB Joshua
In order not to end up like the masses out there who are merely wandering and unsure of their goals and dreams, your objective must be clear. When your purpose is clear, your life will have meaning.
- TB Joshua
Your troubles may point you to death and destruction, but God's Word points you to life.
- TB Joshua
You have the right to claim blessing, healing, protection, freedom, deliverance, because He was unjustly nailed to a cross so you could have a life that is fulfilling.
- TB Joshua
Nothing makes us love a person as much as praying for him.
- TB Joshua
Sit and reflect on life itself and you would discover that nothing happens by chance.
- TB Joshua
God alone can deliver us from a life of meaningless activities.
- TB Joshua
Christ has no place in the life that is not dominated by the Word. - T.B. Joshua
- TB Joshua
The evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed.
- TB Joshua
Remember, when God is executing His plan in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed.
- TB Joshua