Quotes from TB Joshua
Your situation does not embarrass God because He has solution.
- TB Joshua
True humility means total dependence on God for everything.
- TB Joshua
You must embrace the Word of God as the most effective instrument for change.
- TB Joshua
Don't misinterpret God's silence as rejection.
- TB Joshua
While we are on the go, we need to stop between steps, to refocus on the Word and the will of God
- TB Joshua
God is Spirit - without the Holy Spirit you cannot relate to Him.
- TB Joshua
If we make mistakes, as we all do - don't run from God, run to Him.
- TB Joshua
Asking God for a specific thing will amount to limiting God to a specific answer.
- TB Joshua
The blessing of God enriches the soul for eternity while that given by the world enriches the body temporarily.
- TB Joshua
A look of faith knows what God says about a situation - and what God says is final.
- TB Joshua
God speaks to us, through His Word by His Spirit.
- TB Joshua
The way and manner God executes His plan in our lives differs
- TB Joshua