Quotes from Eric Topol
there is the chance that smartphones will democratize medicine. That will ultimately be achieved when each individual has unfettered, direct access to all of their own health data and information. Or captured by the popular mantra "nothing about me, without me.
- Eric Topol
In 2011, there were over eighty-five million computerized tomography (CT) scans and nineteen million nuclear imaging tests performed in the United States.42 How many of these millions of patients do you think had their radiation dose measured or discussed with them before the scan was performed? The
- Eric Topol
Noted by McLuhan, "The portability of the book, like that of the easel-painting, added much to the cult of individualism.
- Eric Topol
As Eisenstein affirmed, the impact of books to alter the master-apprentice traditional relationship was quite clear, as people could "instruct themselves primarily from books with a minimum of outside help" and "cut the bonds of subordination which kept pupils and apprentices under the tutelage of a given master.
- Eric Topol
With all the drive to cost transparency, there is not only little emphasis to make quality-of-care data available, but also it is extremely hard to come by. That's why the call of Guest and Quincy from Consumer Reports that "consumers should have better information about hospital and physician performance than they can glean from user reviews on Yelp, Zagat's, Angie's List, or other such sources" is such a tall order.
- Eric Topol
Chemotherapy is just medieval. It's such a blunt instrument. We're going to look back on it like we do the dark ages.
- Eric Topol