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Quotes from Eric Topol

About half of all people don't take medications like they're supposed to.
- Eric Topol
Of course, the medical profession doesn't like D.I.Y. anything.
- Eric Topol
It's hard for most of us to accept that we are nine parts microbe and only one part human, at least as far as a count of our cells goes.
- Eric Topol
Eventually, each individual will not only own their data, but it will be secured in a personal cloud or system, with the owner granting rights for others to access. Now that's a flip.
- Eric Topol
As we reviewed in Chapter 7, we will get away from keyboards in the office, also known as "death by a thousand clicks," and replace them with computer processing of natural language into notes.98—100
- Eric Topol
the average person is projected to have between six and seven connected devices by 2020.
- Eric Topol
It may just mean that the best way to cut the ever-increasing costs of health care around the world will be to provide cheap smartphones with Internet service to those who otherwise could not afford to buy them.
- Eric Topol
this really took off in 20116—11 with a Stanford University artificial intelligence class: 160,000 people signed up from 195 countries after one public announcement and 23,000 finished the course.
- Eric Topol
retrospective studies are well suited for generating a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can be tested prospectively and supported, especially when independently replicated.
- Eric Topol
The staff of such a monitoring center could represent the future "hospitalist"—not likely to be called a "home-ist"—a physician particularly trained and adept at the interface of machines and people. You might describe them as geeks with compassion, not necessarily an oxymoron.
- Eric Topol
440,000 lethal, preventable events each year from care in hospitals, or "roughly one-sixth of all deaths that occur in the United States each year.
- Eric Topol
This brings home the saying and mantra for the future—"Nothing about me without me"—which should and will undeniably apply to individuals when they assume the role of IAPs.38
- Eric Topol