Quotes from Tony Campolo
I think there are other issues that the Democrats could use to rally evangelicals. There are a lot of us, for instance, who believe that the Bible calls us to be environmentally responsible.
- Tony Campolo
Who's to say that there is any more support for Freud's psychoanalytic concept of the superego than there is for that old time religion that asserted that there is a God who ordains what is right and wrong, and that His righteousness endures for all generations?
- Tony Campolo
When you talk about evangelicals, don't forget that a significant proportion of the evangelical community is African American. And most African Americans - well over 90 percent, thoroughly evangelical, thoroughly biblical - will probably vote Democratic.
- Tony Campolo
The real problem that I think those of us who are evangelicals and Democrats have to face up to is that the political right controls the religious media.
- Tony Campolo
Sadly, we do a much better job of making people feel guilty than we do of delivering them from the guilt we create. We need to confess this and change our ways.
- Tony Campolo
I, for one, am quite willing to join the 'forgive, forget and move on' crowd, but it does make me wonder if Evangelicals are going to sound believable when they say that they tend to vote Republican because of their religious commitments to the family.
- Tony Campolo
I don't know of many evangelicals who want to deny gay couples their legal rights. However, most of us don't want to call it marriage, because we think that word has religious connotations, and we're not ready to see it used in ways that offend us.
- Tony Campolo
When you listen to Christian radio stations - and there are thousands of them now in the United States - and when you listen to Christian television networks - and there are thousands of Christian television shows across the country - they are all politically right.
- Tony Campolo
The Gospel is about grace and we all know that grace is about us receiving from God blessings that we don't deserve.
- Tony Campolo
The two hot issues are the gay issue and the abortion issue. These are the two defining issues in the evangelical community these days. I'm sure that these hot buttons will be pushed, time and time again.
- Tony Campolo
In the past, the Republican Party has depended on unified support at election time from Evangelical Christians. But times are changing!
- Tony Campolo
I think the time has come for the United States to do even-handed justice.
- Tony Campolo