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Quotes from Joseph Franklin Rutherford

The Bible is God's Word expressed and revealed to his creature, man.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The Bible shows the clear statement of God's purposes concerning the earth, and man once made its prince. Its opening chapters show that it was intended for man's instruction.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
False riches, consisting of money, houses and lands, acquired by selfish means at cost to others and thereafter used selfishly, are almost always used for the oppression of other persons.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The Bible is God's sacred Word of truth.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
Before we can know God and understand his great plan it is first necessary for us to believe that he exists and that he rewards all who diligently seek him.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The inspired Scriptures make the clear distinction between false and true riches and make plain the reason why happiness is gained and fully enjoyed only by those who find true riches.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
Jehovah God is truly rich far beyond the imagination of humankind.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The book of Revelation is written largely in symbols.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
God created the first man, whom he called Adam. Then God created a woman, whom ho named Eve; and this man and woman were given the power from Jehovah God to reproduce their kind, that is to say, to cause conception and birth of children.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
Jehovah created the earth and therefore it is his by right of creation.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
The Bible is the only credible guide either as to the real relationship between man and the earth and the great Creator of both or concerning the purpose of the creation of both.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
Reason would lead us to the conclusion that Jehovah would not create a wonderful earth like this, permit man to bring it to a high state of cultivation in many places, and then completely destroy it.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford