Quotes from Edward Welch
Knowing and being known—by design we enjoy human connections, and those connections are forged over time through normal interactions and questions that gradually ask for more. Such connections are the foundations for mutual help, and they are helpful in themselves since they are expressions of love.
- Edward Welch
Beneath our questions about God's generosity and his care for our needs is something darker. What we really care about is our wants.
- Edward Welch
At this point, we know that worry and fear are more about us than about the things outside us.
- Edward Welch
My wants are what concern me. That's where the battle must be fought.
- Edward Welch
If addictions are really as prevalent as they seem, we would think that Scripture would be preoccupied with this struggle. And it is.
- Edward Welch
Since the desires for power and control are in every heart, you don't have to look overseas for lawless brutality. It happens every day between parents and children, boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives. Where there is injustice, shame will be part of its fallout.
- Edward Welch
You have been given amazing gifts, and I have been praying that God would protect you so you can continue to use them well.
- Edward Welch
Sin by its very nature is more often quiet and secretive than loud and public. For every overt episode of rage, there are dozens of jealousies, manipulations, white lies, and malicious thoughts, none of which immediately register on the conscience. And, according to Scripture, the greatest sin of all is even more covert: I do not love the Lord my God with my whole mind and heart. If our failure to consistently worship the true God is the key feature of sin, we are sinners all.
- Edward Welch
Sin is ultimately against God. It is any failure to conform to the law of God in either action or attitude
- Edward Welch
Side by side is most suitable for helping.
- Edward Welch
When you look at it closely, drunkenness is a lordship problem. Who is your master, God or your desires? Do you desire God above all else, or do you desire something in creation more than you desire the Creator? At root, drunkards are worshipping another god—alcohol. Drunkenness violates the command "You shall have no other gods before me".
- Edward Welch
Life in the kingdom isn't easy, at least not when we want to share the throne.
- Edward Welch