Quotes from P. T. Usha
Winning the 400 meters gold at the pre-Olympics gave me a little confidence. I thought I could win a medal if I tried.
- P. T. Usha
There is so much of politics in sport that I sometimes wonder how did I survive for such a long time.
- P. T. Usha
I had to travel long distances to train on a synthetic track, which added to residual fatigue.
- P. T. Usha
Nobody talks about my contribution to the sport. Nobody talks about the 101 medals I have won in my 20-year career. Nobody talks about the efforts I made to attain those heights.
- P. T. Usha
Ours is a country with diversified culture and centuries-old tradition, which have to be preserved at any cost.
- P. T. Usha
I was good in science in school and parents thought I would become a school teacher like my mother.
- P. T. Usha
Rather than missing the medal, the overall message from across the Indian contingent was my effort proved that we can win an Olympic medal.
- P. T. Usha
All what I aimed for, except the Olympic medal, I achieved. That's why I want to start the Usha School of Athletics. I missed an Olympic medal, now I want to ensure that one of my students wins one!
- P. T. Usha
The only realistic offer came from Nebraska University who offered me a scholarship to be a physical education director. What will a 24-year-old do with that? Retire and study?
- P. T. Usha
U.S. and Russia - both coach their athletes from the grassroots level on and provide scientific training.
- P. T. Usha
My stride is perfect for 15 steps till I cross the seventh hurdle when I switch to 17 steps.
- P. T. Usha
After my first track event, sports became my life.
- P. T. Usha