Quotes from John C. Wright
Beyond this, to speak to the river and ask it why it runs, or to the sunshine and inquire of its cheer, or to command the raging storm be silent, this is a delight that saints and angels know which man, exiled from Eden, has lost. We are dumb and deaf in a world given to our dominion.
- John C. Wright
My mom once told me, back when I was a kid, that I would never understand girls unless I understood the fear of being lonely and alone. She said no girl would ever understand boys unless she understood the fear of being dishonored and defeated.
- John C. Wright
When power is the only coin, they said, you have nothing left to sell but your soul.
- John C. Wright
The first kind of problems are the ones life sends upon you to test you, to make you humble or make you longsuffering, or whatever you may need.
- John C. Wright
Some problems build character. You cannot grow without this kind of problem, any more than you can build muscles without exercise.
- John C. Wright
The second kind are invited by bad character, and the problems such a person has then cannot be put right until he puts himself right. It is not something a proud man can do, because proud men see no wrongness in themselves.
- John C. Wright
The suffering we bring on ourselves, we can ask to be taken away from us once we repent of it. The suffering sent to instruct us, we can ask for the strength to endure, and the humbleness to be instructed.
- John C. Wright
We are men born in a land of eternal darkness. We grope where we cannot see clearly. Why mistrust what ancient books say? Why mistrust what our souls say? Our forefathers gave us this lamp, and the flame was lit in brighter days, when men saw further. I agree the lamp-light of such far-off lore, is dim for us; but surely that proves it to be folly, not wisdom, to cast the lamp aside: for then we are blind.
- John C. Wright
You think you know someone your whole life, and he turns out to be a German-gypsy interdimensional dark elf spy who can cloud men's minds. Go figure.
- John C. Wright
I am surprised that General Ruin, when she was in zero gee in outer space, did not fall in the direction we call "space-down," travelling in the same direction as the bombs dropped from bomber ships in reel one. We all know objects in outer space are pulled by gravity from the top of the screen to the bottom.
- John C. Wright
Reason is the tool men use to determine if their statements about reality are valid: there is no other. Those who do not or cannot reason are little better than slaves because their lives are controlled by the ideas of other men, ideas they have not examined.
- John C. Wright
My wife is a Christian and is extraordinary patient, logical, and philosophical. For years, I would challenge and condemn her beliefs, battering the structure of her conclusions with every argument, analogy, and evidence I could bring to bear. I am a very argumentative man, and I am as fell and subtle as a serpent in debate.
- John C. Wright