Quotes from Sandra Byrd
Many have doubts; few voice them. The silent tended to quickly condemn those honest few who air misgivings dormant deep within us all.
- Sandra Byrd
I felt free this time, knowing I had a job and that I wasn't going to be graded. I could simply experiment and create. The thought occurred to me that if I always lived under the certainty of God's provision instead of the certainty of Lexi's worry, I might always feel this free.
- Sandra Byrd
We should not, therefore, be afraid of testing others--or of being tested ourselves. It is only by testing, or being tested, that we understand whether the substance or the person is as it appears to be or is merely masquerading.
- Sandra Byrd
There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. Mahatma Gandhi I
- Sandra Byrd
What they had most feared had happened, and yet what lay ahead was a wonderful plan they could not have imagined on their own. God had things well under control.
- Sandra Byrd
So you see, Tess, this is really the story about God, the brave, and his love for his bride, you. He gave everything he had for you, including that which he loves the most, Jesus. Not because you do anything great, but because he loves you exactly as you are. That's why he will forgive you, and you can trust him with your whole life and be his friend forever. Isn't this a neat story? I heard it last Sunday night." Tess
- Sandra Byrd
I had learned that every circumstance in life doesn't have to end happily for the Lord to provide a happy ending.
- Sandra Byrd
None of us wants to see the truth of what is right in front of us, do they? But for our protection, we must not sugar-coat the truth. We must have the courage to see people for what they are.
- Sandra Byrd
All little lambs need a shepherd.
- Sandra Byrd
Under no circumstances can the food be omitted.
- Sandra Byrd
man he made and for him built Magnificent this world, and earth his seat, Him lord pronounced; and, Oh indignity! Subjected to his service angel-wings, And flaming ministers to watch and tend Their earthly charge: Of these the vigilance I dread; and, to elude, thus wrapped in mist Of midnight vapor glide obscure, and pry In every bush and brake, where hap may find The serpent sleeping; in whose mazy folds To hide me, and the dark intent I bring. —PARADISE LOST, JOHN MILTON
- Sandra Byrd
I've come back for you, my love, my life. Let me look at you, keep you, never let go of you.
- Sandra Byrd