Quotes from Randy Alcorn
Montaigne said something that rings true for many of us: "My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.
- Randy Alcorn
An unholy world will never be won to Christ by an unholy church.
- Randy Alcorn
We don't like to think about death; yet, worldwide, 3 people die every second, 180 every minute, and nearly 11,000 every hour. If the Bible is right about what happens to us after death, it means that more than 250,000 people every day go either to Heaven or Hell.9 David said, "Show me, O Lord, my
- Randy Alcorn
Nothing is more poisonous than the spirit of entitlement that permeates our culture and sometimes, sadly, our churches.
- Randy Alcorn
Forgiveness is a matter of choice, not feelings. We demonstrate true forgiveness when we refuse to brood over the sins committed against us.
- Randy Alcorn
God is the owner of all things, and we are simply his stewards.
- Randy Alcorn
We should thank God for every stream of joy in our lives while recognizing that Christ is the ocean from which every stream flows.
- Randy Alcorn
Life on earth is a dot, a brief window of opportunity; life in Heaven (and ultimately on the New Earth) is a line going out from that dot for eternity. If we're smart, we'll live not for the dot, but for the line.
- Randy Alcorn
Too often we assume that God has increased our income to increase our standard of living, when his stated purpose is to increase our standard of giving.
- Randy Alcorn
Ever seen that bumper sticker "He who dies with the most toys wins"? Millions of people act as if it were true. The more accurate saying is "He who dies with the most toys still dies—and never takes his toys with him." When we die after devoting our lives to acquiring things, we don't win—we lose. We move into eternity, but our toys stay behind, filling junkyards. The bumper sticker couldn't be more wrong.
- Randy Alcorn
God will not be a half husband. He will not be comforted by the fact that we call him "Savior" when we refuse to follow him as Lord.
- Randy Alcorn
The average American shops six hours a week while spending forty minutes playing with his children.
- Randy Alcorn