Quotes from Randy Alcorn
Despite what Americans believe, the universe is not a democracy. Truth is not determined by the majority. As for hell, if you were as just and holy as God is, you would understand that all men deserve hell. It is no puzzle that men should go to hell. What is a puzzle is that men should go to heaven." "He killed my only son!
- Randy Alcorn
A true believer may spend a sleepless night doubting God. But what keeps a Communist awake at night is his fear there is a God. His wishful thinking is that God does not exist. For if there is no God, there is no Judge and, therefore, no judgment for his wickedness. But if there is a God, he knows he will not fare well before him. Or that God will make demands on him he does not wish to fulfill.
- Randy Alcorn
We see that the world seeks happiness instead of holiness. Therefore, we assume we should do the opposite. But we're wrong.
- Randy Alcorn
Imagine if our churches were known for being communities of Jesus-centered happiness, overflowing with the sheer gladness of what it means to live out the good news of great joy. Imagine if our children brought their friends to church and their comment was, "Those people seem so nice . . . and happy.
- Randy Alcorn
Octavius Winslow was a prominent evangelical preacher in the 1800s. He said of the Holy Spirit, "It is his aim . . . to increase our happiness by making us more holy."[717]
- Randy Alcorn
He was so strong." "Compared to Yesu, he is weak. The evil one is but a gou, a dog on a leash." "I've . . . never heard a demon's voice before." "You are wrong." "What do you mean?" "It is not that you have never heard the voices of demons, but that you haven't known you were hearing them." Quan put his hand on Ben's trembling arm. "In America, the voices of demons sound more pleasant.
- Randy Alcorn
The vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts." —George Müller
- Randy Alcorn
In the mid-1600s, Puritan John Gibbon said, "God alone is enough, but without him, nothing [is enough] for thy happiness."[218] Whether or not we're conscious of it, since God is the fountainhead of happiness, the search for happiness is always the search for God.
- Randy Alcorn
countless people step into financial bondage because they spend money they don't have in order to underwrite a "once in a lifetime opportunity." God is not behind every good deal! Self-control means turning down most good deals on things we want because God may have other and better plans for his money.
- Randy Alcorn
Thomas Watson (1620—1686), a Puritan preacher and author, said, "He has no design upon us, but to make us happy. . . . Who should be cheerful, if not the people of God?
- Randy Alcorn
The kingdom of God . . . does not mean merely the salvation of certain individuals nor even the salvation of a chosen group of people. It means nothing less than the complete renewal of the entire cosmos, culminating in the new heaven and the new earth. Anthony Hoekema
- Randy Alcorn
God uses suffering and impending death to unfasten us from this earth and to set our minds on what lies beyond.
- Randy Alcorn