Quotes from Randy Alcorn
Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms." —C. S. Lewis
- Randy Alcorn
Bishop Ryle assured his flock, "Those whom you laid in the grave with many tears are in good keeping: you will yet see them again with joy. Believe it, think it, rest on it. It is all true."[9]
- Randy Alcorn
Wesley said, "Every Christian is happy; . . . he who is not happy is not a Christian.
- Randy Alcorn
When we become proud, we operate outside the grace God only gives to the humble. Humility preserves us; pride destroys us.
- Randy Alcorn
Too often we've been taught that Heaven is a non-physical realm, which cannot have real gardens, cities, kingdoms, buildings, banquets, or bodies. So we fail to take seriously what Scripture tells us about Heaven as a familiar, physical, tangible place.
- Randy Alcorn
Our degree of happiness in life largely depends on: the amount of happiness we believe should be rightfully ours our ability to find delight in a fallen world God will redeem our ability to see the little things—the ten thousand reasons for happiness that surround us that we easily ignore
- Randy Alcorn
When I believe ultimate happiness is found only in God, then I will shut out distractions and open His Word.
- Randy Alcorn
The single greatest contributor to our inability to see money and possessions in their true light—and our tendency to ignore the law of rewards—is our persistent failure to see our present lives through the lens of eternity.
- Randy Alcorn
It is Satan's desire to destroy the world. God's intent is not to destroy the world but to deliver it from destruction. His plan is to redeem this fallen world, which he designed for greatness.
- Randy Alcorn
The work of Christ, therefore, is not just to save certain individuals, not even to save an innumerable throng of blood-bought people. The total work of Christ is nothing less than to redeem this entire creation from the effects of sin. That purpose will not be accomplished until God has ushered in the new earth, until Paradise Lost has become Paradise Regained.
- Randy Alcorn
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, ESV).
- Randy Alcorn
in Heaven (and ultimately on the New Earth) is a line going out from that dot for eternity. If we're smart, we'll live not for the dot, but for the line.
- Randy Alcorn