Quotes from Joel Rosenberg
I thought of Matt. I thought of Yael. I thought of the decision I'd made on the plane to finally accept what I already knew in my heart to be true. I thought of the verse about what true love looks like—laying down your life for others.
- Joel Rosenberg
Well, Jesus also said, 'Why do you call Me, "Lord, Lord," and do not do what I say?' I guess it's always more important to do what Jesus says on a tactical, moment-to-moment basis, than to just do whatever you want, even if it seems like the right thing to do.
- Joel Rosenberg
All stress is self-induced, he reminded himself. It's in your mind. You don't need it. Lay it down. Panic is contagious. But so is calm. Stay calm. Do your work. Slow is smooth. Smooth is smart. Smart is straight. Straight is deadly.
- Joel Rosenberg
The Lord may very well have removed His blessing from America the moment America stopped blessing us.
- Joel Rosenberg
Evil, unchecked, is the prelude to genocide.
- Joel Rosenberg
John 1:12 says, 'As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.' And the apostle Paul told us in Ephesians, 'By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
- Joel Rosenberg
Now she was doing what she did best—serving those who needed her most. She was remarkable that way, Luc thought. It was a gift she had, and he loved to see her use it. He stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her comfort each guest and get them settled in the living room or the dining room.
- Joel Rosenberg
There are two critically important prophecies about the future of Iran in the last days. The first is found in Jeremiah 49:35-39.
- Joel Rosenberg
The Jews of Europe had been foolish to entrust their safety and security to anyone but themselves. What if they had been organized? What if they had been armed and trained and immobilized? No one could have sent them to concentration camps to perish by the hundreds of thousands.
- Joel Rosenberg
Elam is one of the ancient names of Iran, just like Persia. The passage tells us that in the last days, God will scatter the people of Iran all over the earth. For many centuries, this seemed impossible because we Persians are such a proud and nationalistic people. But as incredible as it was, this prophecy actually began to come to pass in 1979.
- Joel Rosenberg
We serve a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God, a wonder-working God!" he loved to say. "And answered prayer is one of the ways we experience him."
- Joel Rosenberg
Or maybe he should always just expect the worst. Most often he would be right, and the few times he was not, at least he would be pleasantly surprised.
- Joel Rosenberg