Quotes from Charles Spurgeon
Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend.
- Charles Spurgeon
Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self it is no humility for a man to think less of himself than he ought, though it might rather puzzle him to do that.
- Charles Spurgeon
Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.
- Charles Spurgeon
Never, for fear of feeble man, restrain your witness.
- Charles Spurgeon
Nobody ever outgrows Scripture the book widens and deepens with our years.
- Charles Spurgeon
Of two evils choose neither.
- Charles Spurgeon
We are certain that there is forgiveness, because there is a Gospel, and the very essence of the Gospel lies in the proclamation of the pardon of sin.
- Charles Spurgeon
You cannot slander human nature; it is worse than words can paint it.
- Charles Spurgeon
Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.
- Charles Spurgeon
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.
- Charles Spurgeon
I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.
- Charles Spurgeon
The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.
- Charles Spurgeon