Quotes from Charles Spurgeon
The goose that lays the golden eggs likes to lay where there are eggs already.
- Charles Spurgeon
Serve God with integrity, and if you achieve no success, at least no sin will lie upon your conscience.
- Charles Spurgeon
Soul-serving requires a heart that beats hard against the ribs. It requires a soul full of the milk of human kindness. This is the sine qua non of success.
- Charles Spurgeon
He who climbs above the cares of this world, and turns his face to his God, has found the sunny side of life.
- Charles Spurgeon
May gratitude to God permeate my entire life.
- Charles Spurgeon
The faith which saves is not one single act done on a certain day: it is an act continued and persevered in throughout the life of man.
- Charles Spurgeon
A father's holy life is a rich legacy for his sons.
- Charles Spurgeon
The resurrection is a fact better attested than any event recorded in any history, whether ancient or modern.
- Charles Spurgeon
Prayer irrigates the fields of life with the waters which are stored up in the reservoirs of promise.
- Charles Spurgeon
You need not bring life to the scripture. You should draw life from the scripture.
- Charles Spurgeon
I think that is a better thing than thanksgiving: thanks-living. How is this to be done? By a general cheerfulness of manner, by an obedience to the command of Him by whose mercy we live, by a perpetual, constant delighting of ourselves in the Lord, and by a submission of our desires to His will.
- Charles Spurgeon
Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven.
- Charles Spurgeon