Quotes from LM Montgomery
but youth yearned to youth.
- LM Montgomery
Anne sewed and planned little winter wardrobes...Nan must have a red dress, since she is so set on it...and sometimes thought of Hannah, weaving her little coat every year for the small Samuel. Mothers were the same all through the centuries...a great sisterhood of love and service...the remembered and the unremembered alike.
- LM Montgomery
I told you the Bible was more to be depended on than newspapers!
- LM Montgomery
He believed he was dead and used to rage at his wife because she wouldn't bury him. I'd a-done it.
- LM Montgomery
The morning was a cup filled with mist and glamor. In the corner near her was a rich surprise of new-blown, crystal-dewed roses. The trills and trickles of song from the birds in the big tree above her seemed in perfect accord with her mood. A sentence from a very old, very true, very wonderful Book came to her lips, 'Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.
- LM Montgomery
In this world you've just got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends.
- LM Montgomery
it suddenly occurred to her that that simple little prayer, sacred to white-robed childhood lisping at motherly knees, was entirely unsuited to this freckled witch of a girl who knew and cared nothing bout God's love, since she had never had it translated to her through the medium of human love.
- LM Montgomery
He who accepts human love must bind it to his soul with pain, and she is not lost to me. Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
- LM Montgomery
Its wonderful to have ambition.
- LM Montgomery
None of us ever do," said Mrs. Allan with a sigh. "But then, Anne, you know what Lowell says, 'Not failure but low aim is crime.' We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great. Hold fast to your ideals, Anne.
- LM Montgomery
It's snowing some today and Marilla says the old woman in the sky is shaking her feather beds. Is the old woman in the sky God's wife, Anne? I want to know. Mrs.
- LM Montgomery
Mr. Harrison was certainly different from other peopleā¦and that is the essential characteristic of a crank, as everybody knows.
- LM Montgomery