Quotes from LM Montgomery
When we have to do a thing...we can do it.
- LM Montgomery
Just think of all the great and noble souls who have lived and worked in the world. Isn't it worthwhile to come after them and inherit what they won and taught? And think of all the great people in the world today! Isn't it worthwhile to think we can share their inspiration? And the, all the great souls that will come in the future? Isn't it worthwhile to work a little and prepare the way for them-make just one step in their path easier? - Anne Shirley
- LM Montgomery
Oh, Anne, things are so mixed-up in real life. They aren't clear-cut and trimmed off, as they are in novels.
- LM Montgomery
The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed;
- LM Montgomery
Aunt Wellington, of whom Valancy stood in abject awe, would tell her about Olive's new chiffon dress and Cecil's last devoted letter. Valancy would have to look as pleased and interested as if the dress and letter had been hers or else Aunt Wellington would be offended. And Valancy had long ago decided that she would rather offend God than Aunt Wellington, because God might forgive her but Aunt Wellington never would.
- LM Montgomery
I suppose we'll get used to being grownup in time. There won't be so many unexpected things about it by and by—though, after all, I fancy it's the unexpected things that give spice to life.
- LM Montgomery
It is hard to understand why work should be called a curse—until one remembers what bitterness forced or uncongenial labour is. But the work for which we are fitted—which we feel we are sent into the world to do—what a blessing it is and what fullness of joy it holds.
- LM Montgomery
I saved his life, and when you've saved a creature's life you're bound to love it. It's next thing to giving life.
- LM Montgomery
Well, one must be a slave to something in this kind of a world,' he said.
- LM Montgomery
Even skeptical Dan prayed, his skepticism falling away from him like a discarded garment in this valley of the shadow, which sifts out hearts and tries souls, until we all, grown-up or children, realize our weakness, and, finding that our own puny strength is as a reed shaken in the wind, creep back humbly to the God we have vainly dreamed we could do without.
- LM Montgomery
Spring is singing in my blood today, and the lure of April is abroad on the air. I'm seeing visions and dreaming dreams, Pris. That's because the wind is from the west. I do love the west wind. It sings of hope and gladness, doesn't it? When the east wind blows I always think of sorrowful rain on the eaves and sad waves on a gray shore. When I get old I shall have rheumatism when the wind is east. And
- LM Montgomery
But I don't want to be a different girl, said Emily decidedly. She had no intention of lowering the Starr flag to Aunt Ruth. I wouldn't want to be anybody but myself even if I am plain. Besides, she added impressively as she turned to go out of the room, though I may not be very good-looking now, when I go to heaven I believe I'll be very beautiful.
- LM Montgomery