Quotes from LM Montgomery
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?
- LM Montgomery
First came a delightful thrill, as of something very pleasant; then a horrible remembrance.
- LM Montgomery
I feel rather blue to-night. I am a horrid little goose, I know - but the trouble is, I can't help being a horrid little goose.
- LM Montgomery
It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable.
- LM Montgomery
Why did dusk and fir-scent and the afterglow of autumnal sunsets make people say absurd things?
- LM Montgomery
Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.
- LM Montgomery
If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne … He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess. … But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne's friendship and perhaps some distant day her love; and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it.
- LM Montgomery
Girls, sometimes I feel as if those exams mean everything, but when I look at the big buds swelling on those chestnut trees and the misty blue air at the end of the streets they don't seem half so important.
- LM Montgomery
Mrs. Hammon told me that God made my hair red on purpose and I haven't card for him since.
- LM Montgomery
Mrs Lynde says, Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed. But I think it would be worse to expect nothing than to be disappointed.
- LM Montgomery
I think you had better learn to control that imagination of yours,Anne, if you can't distinguish between what is real and what isnt.
- LM Montgomery
when people mean to be good to you, you don't mind very much when they're not quite--always.
- LM Montgomery