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Quotes from Barack Obama

The will to conquer other people's minds or territories or aspirations…is meaningless.
- Barack Obama
Because, you know, contrary to the song of a great American master, we're generally not born to run. Most of us are born to run a little bit and go back home.
- Barack Obama
Both Marty and Smalls knew that in politics, like religion, power lay in certainty—and that one man's certainty always threatened another's.
- Barack Obama
Ultimately it was rap that got my head in the right place, two songs especially: Jay-Z's "My 1st Song" and Eminem's "Lose Yourself.
- Barack Obama
CONTRARY TO THE BELIEFS of many in the Arab world (and more than a few American reporters), the United States is not a grand puppet master whimsically pulling the strings of the countries with which it does business. Even governments that rely on our military and economic assistance think first and foremost of their own survival, and the Mubarak regime was no exception. After
- Barack Obama
Ben informed me that those lines were written by the thirteenth-century Persian poet Sa'adi, one of the most beloved figures in Iranian culture. We found this ironic, given how much of my time at UNGA was devoted to trying to curb Iran's development of nuclear weapons.
- Barack Obama
In other words, if you wanted good government, then expertise mattered. You needed public institutions stocked with people whose job it was to pay attention to important stuff so the rest of us citizens didn't have to.
- Barack Obama
I don't see kids smiling around here no more. You look at 'em listen to 'em… they seem worried all the time, mad about something. They got nothing they trust. Not their parents. Not God. Not themselves. And that's not right. That just ain't the way things supposed to be… kids not smiling
- Barack Obama
Truth is that war is never tidy and always results in unintended consequences, even when launched against seemingly powerless countries on behalf of a righteous cause.
- Barack Obama
In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed. --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
- Barack Obama
Carl Sandburg poem come to life. There were inner-city kids jostling one another on a field trip, well-coiffed bankers working their flip phones, farmers in seed caps looking to widen the locks that allowed industrial barges to take their crops to market. You'd see Latina moms looking to fund a new day-care center and middle-aged biker crews, complete with muttonchops and leather jackets, trying to stop yet another legislative effort to make them wear helmets.
- Barack Obama
He told me that I needed to smile more, to remember that this was a great adventure and that voters loved a happy warrior.
- Barack Obama