Quotes from Samuel Johnson
A man must carry knowledge with him if he would bring home knowledge.
- Samuel Johnson
I will venture to say there is more learning and science within the circumference of ten miles from where we now sit [in London], than in all the rest of the kingdom.
- Samuel Johnson
Many useful and valuable books lie buried in shops and libraries, unknown and unexamined, unless some lucky compiler opens them by chance, and finds an easy spoil of wit and learning.
- Samuel Johnson
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.
- Samuel Johnson
The mind is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in schemes of future felicity... The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.
- Samuel Johnson
Books to judicious compilers, are useful; to particular arts and professions, they are absolutely necessary; to men of real science, they are tools: but more are tools to them.
- Samuel Johnson
Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship.
- Samuel Johnson
You cannot spend money in luxury without doing good to the poor. Nay, you do more good to them by spending it in luxury, than by giving it; for by spending it in luxury, you make them exert industry, whereas by giving it, you keep them idle.
- Samuel Johnson
To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labor tends, and of which every desire prompts the prosecution.
- Samuel Johnson
Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.
- Samuel Johnson
No member of a society has a right to teach any doctrine contrary to what the society holds to be true.
- Samuel Johnson
Every state of society is as luxurious as it can be. Men always take the best they can get.
- Samuel Johnson