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Quotes from Samuel Johnson

ALPHA  (A'LPHA)   n.s.The first letter in the Greek alphabet, answering to our A; therefore used to signify the first. I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.BibleRevelat.
- Samuel Johnson
This is that conquest of the world and of ourselves, which has been always considered as the perfection of human nature; and this is only to be obtained by fervent prayer, steady resolutions, and frequent retirement from folly and vanity, from the cares of avarice, and the joys of intemperance, from the lulling sounds of deceitful flattery, and the tempting sight of prosperous wickedness.
- Samuel Johnson
This world, where much is to be done and little to be known.
- Samuel Johnson
He that adopts the sentiments of another whom he has reason to believe wiser than himself is only to be blamed when he claims the honours which are not due but to the author, and endeavours to deceive the world into praise and veneration; for to learn is the proper business of youth; and whether we increase our knowledge by books, or by conversation, we are equally indebted to foreign assistance.
- Samuel Johnson
He bemoans our miseries with the tender pity of a Cowper, who, in warning us of life's grovelling pursuits and empty joys, seeks, by withdrawing us from their delusive dominion, to prepare us for "another and a better world." No.
- Samuel Johnson
AFFORESTATION  (AFFORESTA'TION)   n.s.[from afforest.] The charter de Foresta was to reform the encroachments made in the time of Richard I. and Henry II. who had made new afforestations, and much extended the rigour of the forest laws.Hales'sCommon Law of England.
- Samuel Johnson
To ADCORPORATE  (ADCO'RPORATE)   v.a.[from ad and corpus.]To unite one body with another; more usually wrote accorporate; which see.
- Samuel Johnson
Nothing has so much exposed men of learning to contempt and ridicule as their ignorance of things which are known to all but themselves.
- Samuel Johnson
If we will have the kindness of others, we must endure their follies
- Samuel Johnson
Our minds, like our bodies, are in continual flux; something is hourly lost, and something acquired.
- Samuel Johnson
ADJUTOR  (ADJU'TOR)   n.s.[adjutor, Lat.] A helper.Dict.   ADJUTORY  (ADJU'TORY)   adj.[adjutorius, Lat.] That which helps.Dict.
- Samuel Johnson
neglected.Locke.2. Reformation of life. Our Lord and Saviour was of opinion, that they which would not be drawn to amendment of life, by the testimony which Moses and the prophets have given, concerning the miseries that follow sinners after death, were not likely to be persuaded by other means, although God from the dead should have raised them up preachers.Hooker,b. v. ¶ 22. Behold! famine and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment.Bible2 Esdras,xvi. 19.
- Samuel Johnson