Quotes from Samuel Johnson
This iron world (the same he weeping says)Brings down the stoutest hearts to lowest state:For misery doth bravest minds abate.Spens.Hubberd's Tale.
- Samuel Johnson
The art of communicating instruction, of whatever kind, is much to be valued; and I have ever thought that those who devote themselves to this employment, and do their duty with diligence and success, are entitled to very high respect from the community, as Johnson himself often maintained. Yet I am of opinion that the greatest abilities are not only not required for this office, but render a man less fit for it.
- Samuel Johnson
Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind. Milton.
- Samuel Johnson
ALNAGAR (A'LNAGAR) A'LNAGER, or A'LNEGER.n.s.[from alnage.] A measurer by the ell; a sworn officer, whose business formerly was to inspect the assize of woollen cloth, and to fix the seals appointed upon it for that purpose; but there are now three officers belonging to the regulation of cloth-manufactures, the searcher, measurer, and alneger.Dict. ALNAGE (A'LNAGE) n.s.[from aulnage, or aunage, Fr.] Ell-measure
- Samuel Johnson
He is a good man, who grieves rather for him that injures him, than for his own suffering; who prays for him, that wrongs him, forgiving all his faults; who sooner shews mercy than anger; who offers violence to his appetite, in all things endeavouring to subdue the flesh to the spirit. This is an excellent abbreviature of the whole duty of a christian.Taylor'sGuide to devotion.
- Samuel Johnson
ANNATS (A'NNATS) n.s. without singular.[annates, Lat.]1. First fruits; because the rate of first fruits paid of spiritual livings, is after one year's profit.Cowell.2. Masses said in the Romish church for the space of a year, or for any other time, either for the soul of a person deceased, or for the benefit of a person living.Ayliffe'sParergon.
- Samuel Johnson
ANTITYPE (A'NTITYPE) n.s.[ which is resembled or shadowed out by the type; that of which the type is the representation.It is a term of theology.See TYPE. When once upon the wing, he soars to an higher pitch, from the type to the antitype, to the days of the Messiah, the ascension of our Saviour, and, at length, to his kingdom and dominion over all the earth.Burnet'sTheory of the Earth.
- Samuel Johnson
From the perpetual necessity of consulting the animal faculties, in our provision for the present life, arises the difficulty of withstanding their impulses, even in cases where they ought to be of no weight; for the motions of sense are instantaneous, its objects strike unsought, we are accustomed to follow its directions, and therefore often submit to the sentence without examining the authority of the judge.
- Samuel Johnson
Marriage is the strictest tie of perpetual friendship
- Samuel Johnson
He therefore that would govern his actions by the laws of virtue, must regulate his thoughts by those of reason; he must keep guilt from the recesses of his heart, and remember that the pleasures of fancy, and the emotions of desire, are more dangerous as they are more hidden, since they escape the awe of observation, and operate equally in every situation, without the concurrence of external opportunities.
- Samuel Johnson
ALKALI (A'LKALI) n.s.[The word alkali comes from an herb, called by the Egyptians kali; by us glasswort.] This
- Samuel Johnson
And buxom, which means only obedient, is now made, in familiar phrases, to stand for wanton; because in an ancient form of marriage, before the Reformation, the bride promised complaisance and obedience, in these terms: I will be bonair and buxom in bed and at board.
- Samuel Johnson