Quotes from Leland Ryken
For the Puritans, the God-centered life meant making the quest for spiritual and moral holiness the great business of life.
- Leland Ryken
Stressing the God-centered life can lead to an otherworldly withdrawal from everyday earthly life.
- Leland Ryken
The Puritans removed organs and paintings from churches, but bought them for private use in their homes.
- Leland Ryken
With so many contradictory renditions of the biblical text, the public has lost confidence that we can actually know what the Bible says. It is an easy step from this skepticism to an indifference about what the Bible says.
- Leland Ryken
My claim is simply that the literary approach is one necessary way to read and interpret the Bible, an approach that has been unjustifiably neglected. Despite that neglect, the literary approach builds at every turn on what biblical scholars have done to recover the original, intended meaning of the biblical text.
- Leland Ryken
There is a quiet revolution going on in the study of the Bible. At its center is a growing awareness that the Bible is a work of literature and that the methods of literary scholarship are a necessary part of any complete study of the Bible.
- Leland Ryken
The oldest theory of art belongs to the Greeks, who regarded art as an imitation (mimesis) of reality. The strength of that theory is that it explains the way in which art takes its materials from real life.
- Leland Ryken
The goal of Bible translation is be transparent to the original text - to see as clearly as possible what the biblical authors actually wrote.
- Leland Ryken
Puritanism was a youthful, vigorous movement.
- Leland Ryken
No group of people has been more unjustly maligned in the twentieth century than the Puritans. As a result, we approach the Puritans with an enormous baggage of culturally ingrained prejudice.
- Leland Ryken
William Perkins said, "The end of a man's calling is not to gather riches for himself…but to serve God in the serving of man, and in the seeking the good of all men.
- Leland Ryken
The Bible is obviously a mixed book. Literary and nonliterary (expository, explanatory) writing exist side by side within the covers of this unique book.
- Leland Ryken