Quotes from Beth Moore
I want to finish my race in the Promised Land, not in the wilderness. You too? Then we have to cash in our fear and complacency and spend all we have on the only ticket out: BELIEF. Faith is the only thing that will ever close the gap between our theology and our reality.
- Beth Moore
Unfortunately, human hearts seem remarkably resistant to wisdom.
- Beth Moore
After my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes...[on] a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True….How my heart yearns within me!" JOB 19:26-27; REVELATION 19:11; JOB 19:27
- Beth Moore
God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
- Beth Moore
As long as our minds rehearse the strength of our stronghold more than the strength of our God, we will be impotent. As we pray the Word of God acknowledging His limitless strength and transcendent dominion, Truth will begin to eclipse the lies. We will realize that in our weakness He is strong and that as we bend the knee to His lordship God is more than able to deliver us.
- Beth Moore
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
- Beth Moore
Perhaps the most profound miracle of all is living through something we thought would kill us.
- Beth Moore
God is not harsh; He is holy. He is not selfish; He is sovereign. He is not unfeeling; He is all-knowing. Like David, we need to come to know Him, and respect Him; and, like David, we will love Him more.
- Beth Moore
Shout to God with a jubilant cry. For the LORD Most High is awe-inspiring, a great King over all the earth. Psalm 47:1—2
- Beth Moore
Only when we find our place in Him that we find rest. David said it with beautiful simplicity: I am at rest in God alone. PSALM 62:1, CSB Though the path to this discovery is often painful, the discovery itself can be a relief—and not only to us. It gives us space to spread out and grow, and it relieves our other loves of a burden too big to carry. And there we can bear mysterious fruit. [
- Beth Moore
Jacob, why do you say, and Israel, why do you assert: "My way is hidden from the LORD, and my claim is ignored by my God"? Isaiah 40:27
- Beth Moore
We have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God. 1 John 4:16
- Beth Moore