Quotes from Beth Moore
I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. (Ps. 54:6)
- Beth Moore
We can "forget" about ourselves because Christ never forgets us. We can afford to be less important to ourselves because we are vastly important to God. We can willingly be crucified with Christ because we are raised to walk in resurrection life. Biblical self-denial will never fail to be for us rather than against us, whether here or in eternity. When Peter chose to deny Christ rather than himself, he really chose human limitations over divine intervention.
- Beth Moore
He knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold. Job 23:10
- Beth Moore
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God. 1 John 4:1
- Beth Moore
Why does God allow us to spend so much of life in the heart of battle? Because He never meant for us to sip His Spirit like a proper cup of tea. He meant for us to hold our sweating hands over the fountain and lap up His life with unquenchable thirst.
- Beth Moore
A seed needs planting in order to grow. It needs patience. If the seed was cast from the hand of God, he will surely sprout it, in his time, in his way. If it came from good human intentions, consider it no waste. It was a mortal's vocalized belief that you have something to offer, and while that person may prove mistaken about the precise form, that faith can act as fertilizer to the soil.
- Beth Moore
Texans didn't have the vocabulary God gave a groundhog.
- Beth Moore
But for those who resist insisting on idyllic circumstances and faultless people, new beginnings can be had.
- Beth Moore
Please don't be dismayed if you feel you are not already living a life that glorifies God! He never sheds light on our weaknesses or shortcomings for the sake of condemnation (Rom. 8:1). God makes us aware of hindrances so He can set us free!
- Beth Moore
If my children think I'm genuine, no one else's opinion matters to me.
- Beth Moore
None of the good promises the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled. Joshua 21:45
- Beth Moore
We're getting by but getting by, was never our destiny. We were meant to be profoundly effective. Why have we accepted average? Are the few effects most of us see and experience all Christianity has to offer? Is this it? All we can expect? If so, someone out there needs to feel sorry for us.
- Beth Moore