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Quotes from Beth Moore

He has a mind to do. Faith happens when believers believe. This book is about developing an action verb faith that invites the exhilaration of holy participation.
- Beth Moore
My soul needed a place it could live. I longed for my defeats to be infrequent visitations, not my victories. Beloved, our personalized lands of earthly promise are places we're invited by God to dwell in Christ. It's high time we stopped dropping in and started taking up residency.
- Beth Moore
with her through an angel that someone nearby could relate. The two women had one important predicament in common—questionable pregnancies, sure to stir up some talk. Elizabeth hadn't been out of the house in months.
- Beth Moore
God alone created marriage. Adam slept through the entire ceremony. Eve came in late. It seems to me men are still sleeping through marriage, and women are still coming to their senses a little too late. God alone performed that ceremony, and He alone can hold it together.
- Beth Moore
When a scribe asked Jesus in Mark 12:28 which of all God's commandments was paramount, He reached into the warm, beating heart of the law and raised these words above the rest: "This is the most important . . . Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."
- Beth Moore
The LORD your God is bringing you into a good land … where you will eat food with-out shortage, where you will lack nothing.Deuteronomy 8:7, 9
- Beth Moore
Instead, I get to know that a greater yes is in progress, and I can count on the bigger miracle.
- Beth Moore
Affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. Romans 5:3—4
- Beth Moore
How great You are, My God! You are beyond my understanding! The number of Your years is past finding out. You draw up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. Who can understand how You spread out the clouds, how You thunder from Your pavilion? (Job 36:26—29)
- Beth Moore
Every time God delivers us, the point is ultimately to draw us closer to Himself. Whether we get to avoid pain and suffering or we must persevere in the midst of it, our deliverance comes when we're dragged from the enemy of our souls to the heart of God.
- Beth Moore
O, Lord, help me to lift my eyes and look to the heavens and acknowledge who created all these. You bring out the starry host one by one, and call each of them by name. Because of Your great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. (Isa. 40:26)
- Beth Moore
perform! John's Gospel came along to give us the best of good news. We were never meant to live with emptiness! We were meant to be full; His children were all meant to receive His fullness in one blessing after another!
- Beth Moore