Quotes from Beth Moore
Not everyone in a stronghold of sin is having a good time. Many people who by the grace of God have never been "had" by the devil wrongly assume that all departures from godliness are nothing but defiance, rebellion, and proofs of inauthenticity They have no idea of the suffering involved when someone with a genuine heart for God slips from the path.
- Beth Moore
When Eve dropped her shield of faith, every other piece of her spiritual armor became vulnerable.
- Beth Moore
God stated unapologetically that conditions exist under which "you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do." But the only way we are going to impact our generation is to prove that our faith in Christ is real and that it works.
- Beth Moore
If not for God's compassion, His very presence in our midst would kill us. We really have little clue who we're dealing with. The good news is: God wants us to seek Him and find Him.
- Beth Moore
We have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. For a while, we're humbled. Then, if we do not guard our hearts and minds, we begin to think we must have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Therein lies another road to captivity. It is the road of legalism. Hezekiah believed he was right with God because of what he had done.
- Beth Moore
My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be My disciples. John 15:8
- Beth Moore
Let's consider a series of lessons that lay the groundwork for our discussion of breaking free. I will list them as nine lessons about captivity and freedom. LESSON 1 The people of God can be oppressed by the enemy.
- Beth Moore
Authentic faith cannot help but act.
- Beth Moore
He fell facedown and prayed, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will." Matthew 26:39
- Beth Moore
The pain of a hard good-bye is the heart's tribute to the privilege to love.
- Beth Moore
The devil wants to stop any believer from fulfilling his or her God-given destiny. He also knows that most believers feel almost invulnerable after a mountaintop experience with God. Actually, that's when we are most vulnerable because falling into sin is the last thing we're expecting. We're wise to expect times of testing after times of blessing.
- Beth Moore
Agape is an obedient response of availability to God, not a feeling. But, although it is not a feeling, its ultimate end is a feeling.
- Beth Moore