Quotes from Roland Allen
To preach the Gospel requires that the preacher should believe that he is sent to those whom he is addressing at the moment, because God has among them those whom He is at the moment calling; it requires that the speaker should expect a response.
- Roland Allen
Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but out of love.
- Roland Allen
St. Paul's churches were indigenous churches in the proper sense of the word; and I believe that the secret of their foundation lay in his recognition of the church as a local church (as opposed to our 'national churches') and in his profound belief and trust in the Holy Spirit indwelling his converts and the churches of which they were members, which enabled him to establish them at once with full authority.
- Roland Allen
We can no longer afford to ignore the work of others and to plan our missions as though other missions did not exist.
- Roland Allen
Spontaneous expansion must be free: it cannot be under our control; and consequently it is utterly vain to say, as I constantly hear men say, that we desire to see spontaneous expansion, and yet must maintain our control. If we want to see spontaneous expansion we must establish native Churches free from our control.
- Roland Allen
a mouth which does not confess disproves the existence of a heart that believes. The soul cannot be God's and the life not God's at the same time. The soul cannot be recreated and the life remain unchanged.
- Roland Allen
Spontaneous expansion begins with the individual effort of the individual Christian to assist his fellow, when common experience, common difficulties, common toil have first brought the two together.
- Roland Allen
St. Paul did not baptize uninstructed converts apart from a system of mutual responsibility which ensured their instruction.
- Roland Allen
The soul cannot be recreated and the life remain unchanged.
- Roland Allen
If the Church is to be indigenous it must spring up in the soil from the very first seeds planted.
- Roland Allen
We should cease to talk of a native church as something to be attained after long years, or generations of probation. There would be native Churches at once which all men would recognize as native.
- Roland Allen
I have a profound belief in the power of the Sacraments. I believe that in a Divine way the use of them teaches the teachable their inward meaning and therefore I think we need be in no hurry to attempt to teach new converts all that we think we know about them.
- Roland Allen