Quotes from Paul Washer
We must refuse to lean upon the broken staff of human wisdom & cling to the gospel alone as the power of God to save a hardened humanity.
- Paul Washer
The mark of spirituality is the fragrance of Christ in our lives and the fragrance of Christ in every aspect of who we are as a person.
- Paul Washer
If you want to follow Jesus because He'll fix your marriage, if you want to follow Jesus because He'll give you a better life, that's idolatry. Follow Christ for the sake of Christ; He is worthy!
- Paul Washer
When God saves a man, He is regenerating his heart, turns him into a new creature, and the evidence is this ... he will live like a new creature and he will confess Christ.
- Paul Washer
Does our Gospel presentation make men excited about what God can do for them on this earth, or about whom God is?
- Paul Washer
It is absurd to think that a man can believe in Christ, with his heart, and it not have a radical affect on the rest of his life.
- Paul Washer
People who only listen to preachers have a tendency to put them on a pedestal, but those who live with preachers recognize that they are just common men.
- Paul Washer
The man who has truly believed in his heart ... his life will be marked by a biblical confession of Christ in word and deed.
- Paul Washer
A Theologian has nothing on a man who has experienced God
- Paul Washer
The devil would gladly give a Bible to every man and promote obedience to its commands if in exchange we would surrender to him the Gospel
- Paul Washer
We rob men of a greater vision of God because we will not give them a lower vision of themselves.
- Paul Washer
To the self-righteous, being judged according to deeds does not seem too alarming but to the man who knows himself the thought is terrifying.
- Paul Washer