Quotes from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
How great is the mystery of the first cells which were one day animated by the breath of our souls! How impossible to decipher the welding of successive influences in which we are forever incorporated! In each one of us, through matter, the whole history of the world is in part reflected.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though limits to our abilities do not exist.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Let man live at a distance from God, and the universe remains neutral or hostile to him. But let man believe in God, and immediately all around him the elements, even the irksome, of the inevitable organize themselves into a friendly whole, ordered to the ultimate success of life.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the new spiritual atmosphere created by the appearance of the idea of evolution, there float, in a state of extreme mutual sensitivity, love of God and faith in the world: the two essential components of the Ultra-human.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I think that man has a fundamental obligation to extract from himself and from the earth all that it can give; and this obligation is all the more imperative that we are absolutely ignorant of what limits - they may still be very distant - God has imposed on our natural understanding and power.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Man only progresses by slowly elaborating from age to age the essence and the totality of a universe deposited within him.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
At the heart of every being lies creation's dream of a principle that will one day give organic form to its fragmented treasures. God is unity.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Truly, there is a Christian note which makes the whole World vibrate, like an immense gong, in the divine Christ. This note is unique and universal, and in it alone consists the Gospel.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
When all is said and done, what constitutes the impregnable superiority of Christianity over all other types of Faith is that it is ever more consciously identified with a Christogenesis: in other words, with an awareness of the rise of a certain universal Presence which is at once immortalizing and unifying.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops, like the universe itself, only by perpetual discovery.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the divine milieu, all the elements of the universe touch each other by that which is most inward and ultimate in them. There they concentrate, little by little, all that is purest and most attractive in them without loss and without danger of subsequent corruption.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
For me, the real earth is that chosen part of the universe, still almost universally dispersed and in course of gradual segregation, but which is little by little taking on body and form in Christ.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin