Quotes from Fleming Rutledge
The church is not called to be a "change agent"—God is the agent of change. The Lord of the cosmos has already wrought the Great Exchange in his cross and resurrection, and the life of the people of God is sustained by that mighty enterprise. The calling of the church is to place itself where God is already at work.
- Fleming Rutledge
Resolve is not incompatible with Christian humility.
- Fleming Rutledge
The wrath of God is always exercised in the service of God's good purposes. It is the unconditional love of God manifested against anything that would frustrate or destroy the designs of his love.
- Fleming Rutledge
God did not change his mind about us on account of the cross or on any other account. He did not need to have his mind changed. He was never opposed to us. It is not his opposition to us but our opposition to him that had to be overcome, and the only way it could be overcome was from God's side, by God's initiative, from inside human flesh — the human flesh of the Son. The divine hostility, or wrath of God, has always been an aspect of his love.
- Fleming Rutledge
Christ's recapitulation of the human story does not simply invite us into the divine life. There is an objective reality about it; it has happened over our dead bodies, so to speak.
- Fleming Rutledge
The world's religions have certain traits in common, but until the gospel of Jesus Christ burst upon the Mediterranean world, no one in the history of human imagination had conceived of such a thing as the worship of a crucified man.
- Fleming Rutledge
Indeed, "theory" is a poor word to choose when seeking to understand the testimony of the Bible. The Old and New Testaments do not present theories at any time. Instead, we find stories, images, metaphors, symbols, sagas, sermons, songs, letters, poems. It would be hard to find writing that is less theoretical.
- Fleming Rutledge
Few outside academia would know that the incongruities so frequently cited today as proof of the Bible's unreliability were noted many centuries ago by such as Origen and Calvin.
- Fleming Rutledge
The disappointment, brokenness, suffering, and pain that characterize life in this present world is held in dynamic tension with the promise of future glory that is yet to come. In that Advent tension, the church lives its life.
- Fleming Rutledge
In the present time, God's "wording" (logizomai) of his new creation proceeds largely in a hidden way. The invincible transforming power of God's coming future is acting simultaneously in and through the deeply flawed realities of the present human situation.
- Fleming Rutledge
The believers of the future will be brought into the near presence of Jesus, not just in the sense that the stories of his life will be retold, but because the apostolic preaching, by the action of the Spirit, makes Jesus present.
- Fleming Rutledge
The Son of God did not come to make good people better but to give life to the dead.
- Fleming Rutledge