Quotes from Nancy Pearcey
When people commit themselves to a certain vision of reality, it becomes their ultimate explainer. It serves to interpret the universe for them, to guide their moral decisions, to give meaning and purpose to life, and all the other functions normally associated with a religion.
- Nancy Pearcey
surprising as it may sound, pantheism is not really all that different from materialism. It is the flip side of the same coin. Materialism states that everything consists of material stuff. Pantheism states that everything consists of spiritual stuff. Both are non-personal. As a result, both worldviews fail to account for human personhood.
- Nancy Pearcey
This reality orientation is the positive intellectual climate in which the core propositions and events of the gospel live and breathe. It is a mentality in which people are liberated by verifiable truth to challenge tradition, question power, and fight for life and healing against death and decay.
- Nancy Pearcey
Stories and images can be powerful means for conveying ideas. Every time we read a book or watch a movie, we enter into an imaginative
- Nancy Pearcey
But don't you see that as an inconsistency in your views?" the young man asked. Dawkins replied, "I sort of do, yes. But it is an inconsistency that we sort of have to live with, otherwise life would be intolerable.
- Nancy Pearcey
The God of Christianity does not erase our individual identity but actually affirms it, calling us to become ever more fully the unique individuals we were created to be. Contrary to Eastern mysticism, the goal is not to suppress our desires, but to direct our desires to what truly satisfies—to a passionate love relationship with the ultimate Person.
- Nancy Pearcey
Humans are not self-existent, self-sufficient, or self-defining. They did not create themselves. They are finite, dependent, contingent beings. As a result, they will always look outside themselves for their ultimate identity and meaning. They will define human nature by its relationship to the divine—however they define divinity. Those who do not get their identity from a transcendent Creator will get it from something in creation.
- Nancy Pearcey
Voddie Baucham, a former all-American football player, offers a catchy athletic metaphor. "Sending young people into the world without a biblical worldview," he says, "is like sending a ballplayer onto the field without a playbook."17 Team spirit is not enough. An athlete needs to comprehend the game's strategy.
- Nancy Pearcey
Liberation theology often ends up as little more than theological frosting on a Marxist cake.
- Nancy Pearcey
The only basis for genuine human rights and dignity is a fully biblical worldview.
- Nancy Pearcey
ironically the term tolerance is used to justify intolerance toward Christianity.
- Nancy Pearcey
neither materialism nor pantheism is up to the task of accounting for the origin of human beings.
- Nancy Pearcey