Quotes from Nancy Pearcey
Frank Sheed once said, "The secular novelist sees what is visible; the Christian novelist sees what is there.
- Nancy Pearcey
Reductionism is like a kid who argues that whatever does not fit into his toy box is not a toy.
- Nancy Pearcey
Materialists thereby deny the reality of mind (while they use their minds to advance materialism), determinists deny the reality of human choice (while they choose determinism), and relativists deny the fact of right and wrong (while they judge you if you disagree).
- Nancy Pearcey
If movies and music are vehicles for emotionally "hooking" people into Hollywood worldviews, then the best countermeasure is to create more compelling, more beautiful forms of art that express a biblical worldview.
- Nancy Pearcey
Biblical worldview'. The term means literally a 'view of the world', a biblically informed perspective on all of reality. A worldview is like a mental map that tells you how to navigate the world effectively. It is the imprint of God's objective truth on our inner life.
- Nancy Pearcey
Art is a visual language, and Christians have a responsibility to learn that language.
- Nancy Pearcey
Most of the early modern scientists were Christians; they believed that matter was *not* preexisting, but had come from the hand of God. Thus, it had no power to resist His will but would obey he rules He had laid down- with mathematical precision.
- Nancy Pearcey
We need to understand enough of modern thought to identify the ways it blocks us from living out the Gospel the way God intends, both in terms of intellectual roadblocks and in terms of economic and structural changes that make it harder to live by Scriptural principles.
- Nancy Pearcey
In many churches, the message of justification- how to get right with God- is preached over and over again. But much less is said about sanctification- how to live after you're converted.
- Nancy Pearcey
Many of us don't even know what it means to have a Christian perspective on our work. Oh, we know that being a Christian means being ethical on the job- as Saly put it, "no lying and cheating." But the work itself is typically defined in secular terms as bringing home a paycheck, climbing the career ladder, building a professional reputation.
- Nancy Pearcey
Religion is no longer considered the source of serious truth claims that could potentially conflict with public agendas. The private realm has been reduced to an "innocuous 'play area'", says Peter Berger, where religion is acceptable for people who need that kind of crutch- but where it won't upset any important applecarts in the larger world of politics and economics.
- Nancy Pearcey
The Rosetta Stone of Christian social thought is the Trinity.
- Nancy Pearcey