Quotes from Nancy Pearcey
Calvin taught that all people have an innate sense of the divine (sensus divinitatis).
- Nancy Pearcey
To get a message across to people, you must address their assumptions, questions, objections, hopes, fears, and aspirations.
- Nancy Pearcey
why should we acquiesce in letting philosophical naturalists prescribe the definition of science itself? The only reason for restricting science to methodological naturalism is if we assume from the outset that philosophical naturalism is true—that nature is a closed system of cause and effect. But if it is not true, then restricting science to naturalistic theories is not a good strategy for getting at the truth.47
- Nancy Pearcey
South Korea now has five of the world's ten biggest churches.
- Nancy Pearcey
More Chinese attend church each Sunday than are members of the Communist Party.
- Nancy Pearcey
And if there is no objective or universal truth, then any claim to have objective truth will be treated as nothing but an attempt by one interpretive community to impose its own limited, subjective perspective on everyone else. An act of oppression. A power grab.
- Nancy Pearcey
Genuine worldview thinking is far more than a mental strategy or a new spin on current events. At the core, it is a deepening of our spiritual character and the character of our lives. It begins with the submission of our minds to the Lord of the universe—a willingness to be taught by Him. The driving force in worldview studies should be a commitment to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind" (see Luke 10:27).
- Nancy Pearcey
Christians are called to tear down mental fortresses and liberate people from the power of false ideas.
- Nancy Pearcey
For the early scientists, the image of God was not a dry doctrine to which they gave merely cognitive assent. Nor was it a purely private "faith." They treated it as a public truth, the epistemological foundation for the entire scientific enterprise. Their goal, they said, was to think God's thoughts after him. 27 At the time of the scientific revolution, biblical epistemology was the guarantee that the human mind is equipped to gain genuine knowledge of the world.
- Nancy Pearcey
Having a Christian worldview means being utterly convinced that biblical principles are not only true but also work better in the grit and grime of the real world.
- Nancy Pearcey
The first step in conforming our intellect to God's truth is to die to our vanity, pride, and craving for respect from colleagues and the public. We must let go of the worldly motivations that drive us, praying to be motivated solely by a genuine desire to submit our minds to God's Word - and then to use that knowledge in service to others.
- Nancy Pearcey
The gospel is like a caged lion,' said the great baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon. 'It does not need to be defended, it simply needs to be let out of it's cage' Today, the cage is our accommodation to the secular/sacred split that reduces Christianity to a matter of personal belief. To unlock the cage, we need to become utterly convinced that, as Francis Schaeffer said, Christianity is not merely religious truth, it is total truth- truth about the whole of reality.
- Nancy Pearcey