Quotes from Nancy Pearcey
John Calvin defines idolatry as worshipping "the gifts in place of the giver himself.
- Nancy Pearcey
In order to communicate the gospel in the West, we face a unique challenge: We need to learn how to liberate it from the private sphere and present it in its glorious fullness as the truth about all reality.
- Nancy Pearcey
a Christian worldview is not reductionistic. It does not reduce reason to something less than reason, and therefore it does not self-destruct. A Christian epistemology (theory of knowledge) starts with the transcendent Creator, who spoke the entire universe into being with his Word: "And God said" (Gen. 1:3). "In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1).
- Nancy Pearcey
An undefined "mysticism with nobody there" is not enough. It does not fill the hunger in the human heart for connection with a personal God who knows and loves us.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity liberates us from any life-denying reductionism that dishonors and debases humanity. It affirms the high dignity of humans as full persons made in the image of a personal God.
- Nancy Pearcey
The existence of personal beings constitutes evidence that they were created by a personal God, not by any non-personal cause.
- Nancy Pearcey
Anything we must assume in order to function in the world is part of general revelation. The undeniable facts of experience reflect the created structure of physical nature or human nature, or both.
- Nancy Pearcey
A mind capable of forming an argument against God's existence constitutes evidence for his existence.
- Nancy Pearcey
Even if a group of children were put "on an island and they raised themselves," Barrett adds, "I think they would believe in God." 13 It appears that we have to be educated out of the knowledge of God by secular schools and media.
- Nancy Pearcey
Not believing in God is a far more arduous affair than is generally imagined," Eagleton concludes.
- Nancy Pearcey
All human endeavors depend on God's common grace.
- Nancy Pearcey
children tend to hold a concept of God even if their parents are atheists.
- Nancy Pearcey