Quotes from Nancy Pearcey
Either we "keep faith with Darwin" and embrace postmodernism, or we keep faith with a personal God who is not silent—whose Logos is the source of unified, universal, capital-T Truth.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity is saving truth and it's sanctifying truth, but we believe that it's Total Truth. It is the truth about every aspect of life from economics to masculinity to marriage. God has the right view on all of these things.
- Nancy Pearcey
A secular approach to politics first took root in the universities, the seedbed where worldviews are planted and nurtured. As William Galston of the Brookings Institution explains, in the modern age, scholars decided that the study of politics must be "scientific"—by which they meant value free.1 As a consequence, political theory was no longer animated by a moral vision. It became purely pragmatic.
- Nancy Pearcey
According to Romans 1, those who reject the Creator will create an idol.
- Nancy Pearcey
To be human is to write, to compose, to create, and to dream. So is to think, to test, and to know why.
- Nancy Pearcey
God cannot be rejected without putting something else in his place.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity was permitted to tell Sunday school stories as object lessons to inspire morality, but it was not allowed to claim that those stories were true.
- Nancy Pearcey
The biblical worldview fulfills both the requirements of human reason and the yearnings of the human spirit.
- Nancy Pearcey
It seems that Peter is saying the goal of apologetics is not just to present better arguments but to exhibit a better character, especially when suffering hostility and opposition.
- Nancy Pearcey
In every age, the gospel fulfills people's most profound aspirations.
- Nancy Pearcey
Biblical truth is rich enough to satisfy all the hungers of the human personality.
- Nancy Pearcey
Today religion appeals almost solely to the needs of the private sphere—needs for personal meaning, social bonding, family sup-port, emotional nurturing, practical living, and so on. In this climate, almost inevitably, churches come to speak the language of psychological needs, focusing primarily on the therapeutic functions of religion. Whereas religion used to be connected to group identity and a sense of belonging, it is now almost solely a search for an authentic inner life.
- Nancy Pearcey