Quotes from Brennan Manning
Catherine de Hueck Doherty observes in The Gospel Without Compromise: The Gospel can be summed up by saying that it is the tremendous, tender, compassionate, gentle, extraordinary, explosive, revolutionary revelation of Christ's love.
- Brennan Manning
His love is never, never, never based on our performance, never conditioned by our moods—of elation or depression. The furious love of God knows no shadow of alteration or change.
- Brennan Manning
Silence is not simply the absence of noise or the shutdown of communication with the outside world, but rather a process of coming to stillness.
- Brennan Manning
Why do we judge Jesus' criterion for authentic discipleship irrelevant? Jesus said the world is going to recognize you as His by only one sign: the way you are with one another on the street every day.
- Brennan Manning
The spiritual future of ragamuffins consists not in disavowing that we are sinners but in accepting that truth with growing clarity, rejoicing in God's incredible longing to rescue us in spite of everything
- Brennan Manning
Faith in the present risenness of Jesus carries with it life-changing implications for the gritty routine of daily life.
- Brennan Manning
The question is not can we heal? The question, the only question, is will we let the healing power of the risen Jesus flow through us to reach and touch others, so that they may dream and fight and bear and run where the brave dare not go?
- Brennan Manning
We may not be the kind of people we want to be, we may be a long way from our goals, we may have more failures than achievements, we may not be wealthy or powerful or spiritual, we may not even be happy, but we are nonetheless accepted by God, held in his hands.
- Brennan Manning
The awesome love of our invisible God has become both visible and audible in Jesus Christ, the glory of the only Son filled with enduring love.
- Brennan Manning
Christianity is not simply a message but an experience of faith that becomes a message, explicitly offering hope, freedom from bondage, and a new realm of possibility.
- Brennan Manning
We can only sense ourselves and our world valued and cherished by God when we feel valued and cherished by others '.
- Brennan Manning
When Scripture, prayer, worship, ministry become routine, they are dead. When I conclude that I can now cope with the awful love of God, I have headed for the shallows to avoid the deeps. I could more easily contain Niagara Falls in a teacup than I can comprehend the wild, uncontainable love of God.
- Brennan Manning