Quotes from Victor Hugo
His only theatre is the free show that god provides, the sky and the stars, flowers and children, mankind who's sufferings he shares and the created world in which he is trying his wings
- Victor Hugo
Those who are ignorant should be taught all you can teach them; society is to blame for not providing free public education; and society will answer for the obscurity it produces. If the soul is left in darkness, sin will be committed. The guilty party is not he who has sinned but he who created the darkness in the first place.
- Victor Hugo
Sleep in Peace, God is awake.
- Victor Hugo
God is behind all things, but all things conceal God. Objects are black and humans are opaque. To love a person is to render them transparent
- Victor Hugo
Isn't there in every human soul...an initial spark, a divine element, incorruptible in this world, immortal in the next, that good can bring out, prime, ignite, set on fire and cause to blaze splendidly, and that evil can never extinguish?
- Victor Hugo
Supreme resources spring from extreme resolutions. To embark in death is sometimes the means of escaping a shipwreck; and the lid of the coffin becomes a plank of safety.
- Victor Hugo
Death belongs only to God. By what right to men tamper with a thing so unknowable?
- Victor Hugo
This is because he has in his heart a pearl, innocence; and pearls are not to be dissolved in mud. So long as man is in his childhood, God wills that he shall be innocent.
- Victor Hugo
The peculiarity of prudery is to place all the more sentinels in proportion as the fortress is the less menaced.
- Victor Hugo
Does not this comprehend all, in fact? and what is there left to desire beyond it? A little garden in which to walk, and immensity in which to dream. At
- Victor Hugo
With just the 'Carmagnole' to sing he will only overthrow Louis XVI; but give him the 'Marseillaise' and he will liberate the world.
- Victor Hugo
To wipe out abuse is not enough; you have to change people's whole outlook. The mill is no longer standing, but the wind's still there, blowing away.
- Victor Hugo