Quotes from Victor Hugo
The need of the immaterial is the most deeply rooted of all needs. One must have bread; but before bread, one must have the ideal.
- Victor Hugo
What love commences can be finished by God alone.
- Victor Hugo
The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love.
- Victor Hugo
The beginning as well as the end of all his thoughts was hatred of human law, that hatred which, if it be not checked in its growth by some providential event, becomes, in a certain time, hatred of society, then hatred of the human race, and then hatred of creation, and reveals itself by a vague and incessant desire to injure some living being, it matters not who.
- Victor Hugo
The real threat to society is darkness. Humanity is our common lot. All men are made of the same clay. There is no difference, at least here on earth, in the fate assigned to us. We come of the same void, inhabit the same flesh, are dissolved in the same ashes. But ignorance infecting the human substance turns it black, and that incurable blackness, gaining possession of the soul, becomes Evil.
- Victor Hugo
We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution.
- Victor Hugo
Youth is the future smiling at a stranger, which is itself.
- Victor Hugo
Is there not in every human soul a primitive spark, a divine element, incorruptible in this world and immortal in the next, which can be developed by goodness, kindled, lit up, and made to radiate, and which evil can never entirely extinguish.
- Victor Hugo
If we wish to be happy, monsieur, we must never comprehend duty; for, as soon as we comprehend it, it is implacable. One would say that it punishes you for comprehending it; but no, it rewards you for it; for it puts you into a hell where you feel God at your side.
- Victor Hugo
Good night! Good night! Far flies the light; But still God's love Shall shine above, Making all bright, Good night! Good night!
- Victor Hugo
There is a way of avoiding a person which resembles a search.
- Victor Hugo
He had, they said, tasted in succession all the apples of the tree of knowledge, and, whether from hunger or disgust, had ended by tasting the forbidden fruit.
- Victor Hugo