Quotes from Ralph Abernathy
I have suffered as much as Martin Luther King. Only I didn't get the bullet. And I would have taken the bullet if I could have.
- Ralph Abernathy
Christians should be ready for a change because Jesus was the greatest changer in history.
- Ralph Abernathy
I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.
- Ralph Abernathy
I am not going to say I have been a saint. I have not been a perfect man. None is perfect but the Father, which is in Heaven.
- Ralph Abernathy
I wanted to show that Martin Luther King was simply a human being, not a god, not a saint.
- Ralph Abernathy
If you see a good fight, get in it and fight to win it!
- Ralph Abernathy
I'm sick and tired of black and white people of good intent giving aspirin to a society that is dying of a cancerous disease.
- Ralph Abernathy
You may be assured that we won't ever let your words die. Like the words of our Master, Jesus Christ, they will live in our minds and our hearts and in the souls of black men and white men, brown men and yellow men as long as time shall last.
- Ralph Abernathy
History will treat me right.
- Ralph Abernathy