Quotes from Donald Whitney
Martin Luther expressed God's expectation of prayer this way: "As it is the business of tailors to make clothes and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray."
- Donald Whitney
To read the Bible and not to meditate was seen as an unfruitful exercise: better to read one chapter and meditate afterward than to read several chapters and not to meditate.
- Donald Whitney
Evangelism is a natural overflow of the Christian life. Every Christian should be able to talk about what the Lord has done for him or her and what He means to him or her. But evangelism is also a Discipline in that we must discipline ourselves to get into situations where evangelism can occur, that is, we must not just wait for witnessing opportunities to happen.
- Donald Whitney
To pray the Bible, you simply go through the passage line by line, talking to God about whatever comes to mind as you read the text.
- Donald Whitney
Too much attention to a particular sin or sins, and/or too little attention to communion with God (two things that often occur in tandem) inevitably shrivel the soul of a Christian.
- Donald Whitney
We could summarize the views of our Christian heroes across the centuries with a sentence from Jonathan Edwards: "Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church".
- Donald Whitney
No Spiritual Discipline is more important than the intake of God's Word. Nothing can substitute for it. There simply is no healthy Christian life apart from a diet of the milk and meat of Scripture.
- Donald Whitney
If you are a Christian, two people live in your body - you and the Holy Spirit...And the Holy Spirit is not passive within you.
- Donald Whitney
But don't stop worshiping. Never give up in the desert. You don't know how wide it is, and you may be almost across.
- Donald Whitney
Many of the great movements of God can be traced to a small group of people He called together to begin praying.
- Donald Whitney
Thus no other object on earth is as valuable as the Bible, for nothing else can provide anything as essential or eternal.
- Donald Whitney
So while we cannot be godly without the practice of the Disciplines, we can practice the Disciplines without being godly if we see them as ends and not means.
- Donald Whitney